Digital books online featuring poetry, slogans and photography

The Celtic
John O’Sullivan was born in Sligo, Ireland in 1962. In his formative years; days and hours were spent trawling through all forms of visual magazines whilst dreaming of a world outside of the shores of Ireland while lying on his back watching the jet contrails evaporate into other peoples worlds. He loved exploring the rugged terrain of his Emerald Isle.
He started to write poetry at the age of 12 with his first offering being an assault on the existence of a higher purpose:
when I awake
and see he
who awaits
the answer
to an insolvable question.
when I read
the post mortem
and realise
that he
is the unknown
angel of death.
he who said
of all mankind
was right;
doomed to death
they do not care.
Poetry became the medium to express echoes of thoughts and a vehicle in which he felt safe and expressed. Growing up in Ireland; music, words and art became his possibilities of escape. To this day; they remain his defining. Music never judged, it soothed and secreted angst. Poetry let him feel what was within and without. Art permitted the infinite range of interpretation in others potential. He always saw a common spiritual link and symbiotic soul connection between the merging of the spoken word and art world. John has published three poetry books (All available here) and has attended and actively participated and moderated at five Literary and Poetry festivals globally.
Travel is another great passion for John and he has visited more than 90 countries; living in seven. Using these cultural interludes to write poetry, taking photographs and sketching, to later morph these into larger art pieces. He has held art exhibitions in Norway, London, Cairo and Bali over the last 20 years. He has also partnered with various global photographers and artists on collaborative poetry and visual installations and thought sharing projects featured in various global magazines, publications and Galleries. John also began to experiment with mixed medias and canvases, coupled with the use of words and poetry in broad partnership together.
John essentially sees a blur between all arts that flow and morph and an allowance to question and to be random.
Celtic Poet Books is a book shop with digital books online, including poetry accessible through downloadable digital ebooks.

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Mike Mulcaire Photography